Jawline Contouring in Jacksonville, FL

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About Jawline Contouring

Age brings so many benefits, such as wisdom and experience, but unfortunately, it can also bring some undesirable issues, like wrinkles and sagging jowls. For this reason, Dermatology Southeast is excited to offer jawline contouring to patients who want to restore the contours of their lower face for a more seamless-looking jawline. Patients can choose from several nonsurgical methods, including the eTwo™ laser system by Candela™, PDO threads, or dermal fillers, to sculpt and lift the skin below their cheeks and chin. Contact our office in Jacksonville, FL to set up a consultation with board-certified dermatologist Dr. Mary Pentel to create your custom treatment plan. Our goal is to help you look and feel your best.

Candidates for Jawline Contouring

You may be a great candidate for jawline contouring if you're over the age of 50 and have sagging skin along your jawline. Since the treatment options we offer do not require surgical intervention, they work best for mild to moderate skin laxity. If you have more severe tissue sag, a surgical facelift may be a better solution. We encourage all patients to schedule a consultation with Dr. Pentel to discuss their specific concerns prior to treatment so they can have the right expectations.

Jawline Contouring Treatment

After conducting a thorough consultation and building a customized treatment plan, we'll schedule your jawline contouring session. Your treatment plan may consist of the eTwo laser, PDO threads, dermal fillers, or a combination of these therapies. Since this is a highly customized treatment, jawline contouring will look different for each patient. To learn more about eTwo and PDO threads, we invite you to read our nonsurgical skin tightening and PDO thread pages. 

After Your Appointment

The recovery time and post-treatment care instructions differ for each therapy, but there is typically little to no downtime associated with nonsurgical jawline contouring. Regardless of the method used, you can expect stunning results. Each of these treatments can tighten and lift the skin for a more defined jawline. Since these solutions are temporary, multiple treatments are often needed to maintain your results. During your consultation, Dr. Pentel can discuss when you should return to our office for your next appointment. 

Seamless Jawline

If you have sagging jowls or your skin has become less elastic over time, we invite you to call Dermatology Southeast in Jacksonville, FL to learn more about nonsurgical jawline contouring. We have helped countless people achieve a tighter and stronger-looking jawline with minimally invasive techniques. 

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