RF Microneedling in Jacksonville, FL

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about Radiofrequency Microneedling

Radiofrequency (RF) microneedling uses specialized technology and tiny fine-gauge needles to remove old, damaged skin cells and promote new collagen production for tighter, smoother skin. At Dermatology Southeast, leading dermatologist Dr. Mary Pentel offers several different types of RF therapies including the Luctronic Genius™ RF, Secret™ RF by Cutera® and Profound® by Candela™. RF microneedling has been used for many years to restore the overall health, texture, and tautness of the skin. If you want to refresh the appearance of your complexion and over-the-counter products aren't providing the results you want, RF microneedling may be a great option for you. Contact our practice in Jacksonville, FL to learn more about the benefits of this minimally invasive therapy. 

Candidates for RF microneedling

If you're 40 years of age or older and are beginning to notice discoloration, smile lines, age spots, or other skin problems (which can come with age or sun exposure), RF microneedling may be the right treatment for you. RF microneedling is a wonderful option if you want to:

  • Firm up your skin, producing a more refreshed look
  • Improve the feel, pigment, or tone of your skin
  • Treat skin irregularities like visible blood vessels or discoloration
  • Reduce the appearance of age spots or sun damage
  • Repair acne scars or other forms of discoloration
  • Rejuvenate your skin for a younger, more radiant appearance

RF Microneedling Treatment

At Dermatology Southeast, we offer several technologies for RF microneedling, including Secret RF by Cutera and Profound by Candela. During your initial consultation, Dr. Pentel will review your cosmetic goals and determine which system is best for you.

This procedure is quite simple. The handheld device, which emits radiofrequency technology, works by providing short pulses of RF energy via a collection of microneedles. The energy is transmitted through the needles, which simultaneously puncture the skin and circle the electrodes back to the surface of the dermis. These micro-injuries disrupt the upper dermal layer to stimulate collagen production and promote new skin growth for a smoother and healthier complexion.

after your appointment

Since RF microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that creates micro-injuries to the skin, you can expect tiny pinpoint scabs to develop 24 – 72 hours after your treatment. As your skin heals over the next 3 – 4 weeks, these scabs will fade. The final results will reveal a refreshed and radiant appearance. Typically, Dr. Pentel recommends 3 – 4 treatments spaced one month apart to attain the best results. Talk to Dr. Pentel during your initial consultation about how many treatments she thinks you may need to achieve your cosmetic goals.

renew your complexion

If you want to treat sun-damaged skin, diminish wrinkles, address skin laxity, or soften acne scars, then RF microneedling is a great treatment with proven outcomes. Pairing radiofrequency technology with microneedling, this outstanding skin rejuvenation procedure has risen in popularity and is a highly sought after treatment for our Jacksonville, FL patients. We invite you to contact Dermatology Southeast to discover more.

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