Ultherapy® in Jacksonville, FL

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about Ultherapy

If your skin is not as firm as you want it to be, Dermatology Southeast can help to improve your skin's laxity using Ultherapy. This noninvasive treatment is an excellent solution for loose skin along the neck, chest, chin, and face. With approval from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), Ultherapy's ultrasound energy can improve the laxity of your skin with a 30 – 90 minute treatment. After your session as your skin begins to heal itself, your body naturally creates more collagen to strengthen the dermis. Skilled dermatologist Dr. Mary Pentel is proud to offer Ultherapy to people in Jacksonville, FL. This procedure can be performed along with other skin rejuvenation services, like laser skin resurfacing or an injectable to leave the skin appearing smooth and youthful.

Candidates for ultherapy

Both men and women can get results from Ultherapy. If you've noticed that the skin on your face has loosened and developed light to medium wrinkles in the areas around the mouth, brow, or eyes or if you've noticed a light droop in your jowls, then you might be an ideal patient for this nonsurgical treatment. If you have more developed skin sagging or etched wrinkles and lines, a PDO thread lift or another facial rejuvenation procedure could be a more suitable choice for you. During your initial consultation, Dr. Pentel can assess your skin to determine whether Ultherapy is right for you.

Ultherapy Treatment

After you arrive for your appointment, you will be asked to get comfortable in our treatment room where one of our professionals will prepare your skin, which may include the application of a numbing agent. In the procedure, a handpiece that focuses ultrasound energy waves will be passed over your skin. Based on how many areas are being treated, your procedure can take around 30 – 90 minutes. Since the treatment is noninvasive, patients can return to their usual routine once their session is complete. 

after your appointment

After Ultherapy, it's very common for the treated skin to look mildly pink and swollen, but these symptoms will dissipate over the next few days. You can use cold compresses and take an over-the-counter pain medication to reduce any pain or inflammation. Patients can also safely apply cosmetics since this procedure does not cause micro-injuries to the upper layer of skin like other skin rejuvenating treatments. The results of Ultherapy won't be evident right away, but as new collagen develops over the next 4 – 6 months, the treated skin will appear smoother and tighter.

rejuvenate your skin

Refresh your appearance with Ultherapy at Dermatology Southeast in Jacksonville, FL. Ultherapy is a noninvasive treatment that can help improve the strength and tautness of your skin without any of the risks associated with a surgical procedure. Contact our MedSpa today to schedule your private consultation with board-certified dermatologist Dr. Mary Pentel.

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