Vein Treatment in Jacksonville, FL

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What is Vein Treatment?

Commonly located on the legs and face, spider veins are small blood vessels that branch and become visible through the skin. Caused by many factors, like genetics and age, spider veins can be red, purple, and blue, which makes them hard to conceal. Since spider veins usually multiply over time and lead to greater visibility, it is important to get treatment when you first notice them. To minimize the appearance of blood vessels on the body and face, Dermatology Southeast performs noninvasive laser vein removal and sclerotherapy for Jacksonville, FL residents. At your private consultation, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Mary Pentel will develop a personalized plan based on your needs and goals for your laser vein treatment.

Am I a Candidate For Vein Treatment?

Nonsurgical vein removal treatments at Dermatology Southeast can help the appearance of small to mid-sized veins on the face and body. Commonly called spider veins, these blood vessels are rarely a medical problem, but they are deemed unwanted. Affected people tend to avoid certain clothing (like shorts and swimsuits) or use a large amount of concealer to try to hide these veins. Vein treatments are great for people who are in overall good health, don't have a history of blood clots, and aren't pregnant.

Our Vein Removal Techniques

Laser Therapy:

Laser vein reduction sessions are done in our Jacksonville, FL office in around 20 – 40 minutes, based on the number of areas treated. For your procedure, you will relax in a reclined position in a private treatment room as the skin is cleaned. If requested, a local numbing cream can be applied before your procedure to minimize any discomfort. The laser is passed across the area so the wavelengths can reach the spider veins with a series of pulses without affecting the surrounding tissues. The abnormal blood vessel soaks in the laser energy, which collapses and closes the vessel wall. You will be able to leave immediately to resume your normal day.


Performed in one of our spacious procedure rooms, sclerotherapy involves treating the blood vessels by injecting a sclerosing solution. A small needle will be placed into the vessel so the sclerosing solution can be injected. Next, the needle will be removed, and gauze will be applied to the site of injection. This process can be repeated to treat all spider veins.

What to Expect After Vein Treatment

Right after your vein removal treatment, you may notice redness, bruising, and swelling; however, these side effects should disappear in around 1 – 2 weeks. For faster healing, compression or support garments may be worn to improve your blood circulation. It is important to avoid prolonged sun exposure, and you are encouraged to use sunscreen on areas that have been treated. Some patients may see improvements immediately, but the timing of results will be different for every person. At your initial consultation with Dr. Pentel, potential results will be discussed along with suggestions on how many treatments will be necessary to achieve your best results. New spider veins will probably develop over time so touch-up treatments may be needed.

Schedule Your Vein Treatment

Instead of concealing or covering visible spider veins on your face and body, try vein reduction treatments at Dermatology Southeast in Jacksonville, FL to help improve the look of your skin. At your private consultation, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Pentel and her team can assess your skin and formulate a personalized treatment plan that best addresses your condition.