Clarity Laser Hair Removal

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What is the Clarity Laser?

The Clarity laser is made by Lutronic to deliver dual-wavelength energy. This laser includes long-pulsed 755nm Alexandrite wavelengths as well as 1064nm Nd: YAG laser energy. This combination may be especially advantageous for people with darker skin. Each wavelength can be adjusted to varying skin types and hair colors to maximize effectiveness and minimize the risk of skin damage and discoloration.

How Does the Clarity Laser Work?

Laser hair reduction and removal rely on photothermolysis, the scientific principle that involves the transference of particular wavelengths of laser light into heat energy. The Clarity laser delivers its Alexandrite and Nd: YAG wavelengths into hair follicles, where these light energies are absorbed by the melanin in strands of hair. Here, light transforms into heat. Thermal energy quickly builds up in hair follicles, causing controlled damage to the walls of the follicles, the dermal papillae, and the stem cells that are involved in hair growth in the targeted area. The incremental damage to treated hair follicles renders them inactive for many years, if not indefinitely.

What Are the Benefits of Clarity Laser over Other Options?

The Clarity laser hair removal system has two distinct wavelengths that make this device capable of treating a wide range of skin colors and tones. One wavelength is suitable for lighter skin and the other is great for darker skin. Experts agree that this laser is an excellent option even for darker skin types because the longer wavelength of laser light passes through the skin to target melanin in the hair shaft without affecting the epidermis.

How Should I Care For My Skin After the Clarity Laser?

Laser hair removal can increase the photosensitivity of the skin for a short time. Some people may also experience slight irritation or dryness. Skincare after Clarity laser hair removal sessions may include:

  • Avoiding sun exposure for one week after treatment.
  • Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to prevent excessive irritation or skin damage.
  • If the skin feels sunburned or irritated, take Tylenol as directed to manage these side effects.
  • Comfort may be improved by applying cool compresses.
  • Do not undergo other laser treatments or chemical peels on the treated area for at least 2 weeks after laser hair removal.
  • Lotion and other moisturizers can be applied 24 hours after a laser hair removal treatment.
  • After gently cleaning the skin, pat it dry rather than rubbing.
  • If pigmentation changes, blisters, or prolonged swelling or redness occur, contact our office.